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Taylor Vs Caldwell || [1863] 3 B&S 826 || Case Summary

on fire

Taylor vs caldwell case summary


Taylor contracted to rent the Surrey Music Hall from Caldwell for £100. Purpose: To host four concerts. Hall burned down before concerts took place. Taylor refused to pay rent. Caldwell sued Taylor for £100.



Can a contract be discharged due to frustration when the subject matter (music hall) is destroyed?


Relevant Legal Concepts.

1. Doctrine of Frustration 

2. Discharge of Contract 

3. Impossibility

4. Impracticability 

5. Force Majeure



Chief Justice Cockburn:

“…the music hall, which was the subject-matter of the contract, ceased to exist.”

The court ruled in favor of the defendant, discharging them from their contractual obligations and established the doctrine of impossibility through destruction of the subject matter. 



1. Caldwell’s claim for rent dismissed.

2. Taylor relieved of contractual obligations  

3. Established precedent for frustration doctrine.


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