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R vs Lucas || [1981] QB 720 || Case Summary


R vs Lucas Case Summary


- Lucas was accused of perjury for falsely denying car ownership.

The prosecution relied on eyewitness testimony to identify Lucas.

- Lucas claimed mistaken identity.



1. Reliability of eyewitness identification evidence.

2. Judicial warnings to the jury regarding eyewitness testimony.



1. Eyewitness identification evidence is admissible but requires caution.

2. Judicial warning to the jury is necessary to emphasize potential unreliability.



1. Judicial warning to the jury about eyewitness evidence limitations.

2. Corroboration of eyewitness evidence preferred.

3. Caution when relying solely on eyewitness testimony.



- Eyewitness evidence is potentially unreliable due to human error.

- Judicial warning ensures jury aware of limitations.



- Established guidelines for eyewitness identification evidence in UK.

- Influenced the development of eyewitness evidence law in commonwealth jurisdictions.


Key Points:

1. Eyewitness identification evidence requires caution.

2. Judicial warning to jury necessary.

3. Corroboration preferred.

                                                 ~ Mahir Sundaram Singh


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