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Lalita Kumari vs State of UP || AIR 2014 SC 187 || FIR


Lalita Kumari vs State of UP


The petition was filed by Lalita Kumari who is a minor through her father under Article 32 invoking the writ jurisdiction for Haebeas Corpus for the minor who was kidnapped. A written report was submitted by the petitioner in a police station however the officer in charge took no action. Only after the involvement of the Superintendent of Police was the FIR filed but no steps were further taken. ISSUES

  • Is there an obligation on the police officer to register an FIR upon receiving any information relating to the commission of a cognisable offence under BNSS [CrPC] or is there a power to conduct a preliminary inquiry to test the veracity of the information?


CrPC Sec 154(1)

BNSS Sec. 173


The Supreme Court ruled that if the information of a cognisable offence is given an FIR must be filed as per the word "shall" in sec 173 of the BNS [154 of CrPC]. The aim of preliminary inquiry is not to check the veracity of the information but rather the aspect that it is a cognisable offence and if it is found to be a cognisable offence then an FIR must be filed. The preliminary inquiry shall not exceed 7 days and any information related to cognisable offences resulting in FIR or inquiry must be diligently jotted in the General diary/station diary/Daily diary. Therefore, mere information is sufficient in context of a Cognisable offence to register an FIR.


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