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Krell vs Henry || 2 K.B. 740 (1903)|| Case summary|| Doctrine of frustration


Krell vs Henry Case summary


Henry agreed to rent rooms from Krell for £75 to watch King Edward VlI's coronation procession on June 26, 1902. The contract specified the rooms purpose: viewing the procession.  The coronation was postponed due to the King's illness. 4Henry refused to pay hence Krell sued for rent.



Can a contract be discharged due to frustration when the contemplated event (coronation procession) does not occur?


Key legal concepts:

1. Doctrine of frustration:

It states that a contract can become void if it becomes impossible to fulfil due to unforeseen events. 

2. Force majeure

3. Discharge of contract 

4. Impracticability

Sec. 56 of Indian Contract Act-



Lord Justice Vaughan Williams:

“…the coronation procession was the foundation of the contract… the non-occurrence of that event frustrated the contract.”

Court reversed the lower court’s decision and held that the contract was frustrated and discharged.



1. Krell’s claim for rent dismissed

2. Henry relieved of contractual obligations. 

3. Established precedent for frustration doctrine.



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